Request for Service
We make every effort to complete customer requests in a timely manner. Please understand that there are elements which play a role in our ability to complete work. This includes but not limited to: weather, difficult job, workload, unforeseen circumstances, etc. We do not give a specific time as to when we will complete your request. We will provide our best timeframe, and stay in close contact with you should issues arise and we need to reschedule. We also understand there may be issues on your end. We Just ask that you give us timely notice if you need to make changes, so that we can adjust our schedule accordingly.
Quotes are provided free of charge. We will measure your pool, and you can expect a quote within a week. You do not need to be present at time of measurement. Please make sure there is access to the pool. Should we be unable to do our part to measure based on issues on your part, and are required to come back an additional time, we may apply a service charge. Quote includes all applicable costs: vinyl liner cost, sales tax, miscellaneous supply costs, labor fee, shipping and freight, fuel surcharge, liner haul away and disposal, any necessary minor floor work. Your quote should give a total cost, as well as breakdown to explain installment fees. This quote may change based on the need for additional materials, supplies, or fees based on payment type. Quote is guaranteed for 30 days. The original quote may change thereafter due to manufacturer price changes or material cost fluctuations.
Payment is expected at time of service. Account may be paid in full, or in two installments. We will discuss your preferred method of payment prior to quoting. Please note, your quote may change depending on your payment method, which is explained below.
Installment one is due prior to your liner being ordered. Liners are created to custom fit each individual pool. Therefore, payment must be received prior to order being placed to manufacturer.
Installment two is due at time of installation. This fee is expected at time of install. Please arrange with Buckeye Liners how to make this payment. Installation will not be completed until payment is received.
Payment options include:
Payment by check or cash. Checks must be made to Buckeye Liners & Pool Service
Payment may be paid in person or sent via mail to business address: 1225 Ben Avon, Batavia, OH 45103
Option for free bank-to-bank transfer. This can be found via a link on your invoice sent to your preferred email. This option is free, however it takes approximately five business days to complete transfer. This will delay ordering time by a couple days. Payment must be received prior to liner order being placed.
Additional options for payment include: Venmo, Paypal, Square. Additional fees will be applied for these options. This additional fee ranges from 1.5-3.5% depending on which pay app you prefer. This fee is rendered by the payment app.
We do not offer financing at this time.
1. Upon receiving your liner from the manufacturer, we will be in contact to set up installation date. We will communicate what you need to do to prep your pool for install, as well as what needs to happen after liner is installed.
2. Installment payment two is due at time of installation.
3. Prior to starting your install, we will thoroughly inspect your pool and the surrounding area. We will document what we see, including any existing damage or concerns. These issues will be addressed with you prior to install, so it is understood that those concerns were present prior to starting any work. This is to protect ourselves
4. We will need to come out ahead of time to pump any water out of the pool. As long as we have access to your pool, you do not need to be present. We will set up a pump and provide you any information you may need to know regarding this step.
5. Next is the install of the liner. Install time typically takes about two hours, but this could change depending on different issues. You do not have to be present at time of install. If you are unavailable, please let us know so we can arrange where to leave payment and how to access pool area.
6. We will return the next day to do the cut in. Again, you do not have to be present at this time, so long as we have access to pool. Please address any concerns you have during the times we are on your property. We will happily deal with those concerns while we are on site.
7. Once we leave, we expect that you are satisfied with your install, and no concerns were found
Some common issues may arise after your liner is installed. Liner coming out of bead is very normal, as the new vinyl is settling into the track. Ground water may sometimes also get behind the liner, causing the pool to float. Things like this are normal, and can easily be handled. Please give us a call or send a text, should something like this occur. We are happy to come out a help fix these issues. Applicable service fees may apply to excessive visits.
We stand behind our manufacturer and choose to use their product for our customers due to the quality in their work. While very rare, split seams do occur. This is typically covered by manufacturer under warranty. This is something you will need to familiarize yourself with. Buckeye Liners is considered a mutual party between the customer and manufacturer, and is no way associated with the manufacturer in any way other than as a distributor. The manufacturer warranty does not cover re-installation fees. Should a split seam occur, we will work together to distinguish a new installation fee which is fair to both the customer and Buckeye Liners.
Install cost and liner cost are non-refundable. Liners are ordered to custom fit the dimensions of your pool. Because of this, once the liner is ordered, it cannot be refunded.
By choosing to work with us, you agree to allow your pool to be used for marketing by Buckeye Liners and Pool Service. You agree to allow photographs and/or videos of your pool to be used on our website and social media platforms.
We take great pride in knowing that we are on the side of our customers. We will be upfront and honest with you throughout the process. We will do our best to leave you satisfied with your decision to choose Buckeye Liners and Pool Service.
By signing this document, you are entering into an agreement with Buckeye Liners and Pool Service to complete your new liner order and installation. expected on my part as the consumer, and what is expected from Buckeye Liners.
This is a legal and binding contract to protect both the customer and business providing services